How to survive to Hurricane PATRICIA

Patricia Hurricane is listed as the most powerful (strongest) and violent that ever existed on the planet, according to the Federal Government authorities of Mexico.
Its transformation has been historic in a day, from being a monstrous Category 5 hurricane to the top ranked in the Saffir-Simpson.
”This is an extraordinary feat”, states the National Hurricane Center of the United States.” In the age of Satelites, Only Linda, in 1997, intensified this ranking.

hurricane-patricia-mexico-trackThis hurricane, the strongest in history, is being registered on the Pacific and Atlantic, with winds up to 325 km per hour.
Patricia moved to the Mexican Coast to 17 km per hour. Today, Otober 23, it extended to Jalisco. They reported that all flights were already suspended from Puerto Vallarta airport.

The water levels, will be equivalent to a year of rain in this country. The entities that would be affected are: Jalisco, Nayarit, Zacatecas and Coahuila. (October 23). However, it is also say that it will go through the north-central area: San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas and Tamaulipas. Also, is recorded that the force of this hurricane is so shocking that’s likely to cross into the Gulf of Mexico and the United States.

What to do before the hurricane?

2007hurricane_500– Suspend any activity in these areas. (anyway there will be a temporary suspension to prevent electrical short circuits).
– Write down emergency numbers and keep on hand.
Colima: (312) 313 March 11
Nayarit: 01-133 30 81
Jalisco: 01 315 355 6375 and 013 22 225 0764
– Stay in your home or at your place of hurricane protection.

Which are the Store emergency supplies?

supplies– Food that does not need refrigeration, water and a first aid kit.
– Keep cash on hand and credit cards.
– Clean roofs, canals and drains.
– Find out where the nearest shelter is and how to get to the QE if you have to evacuate your home.
– Close doors and windows, gas and electricity supplies.
– Stay away from windows to prevent injury if they are broken.
– If the wind opens a door or window, no advances toward her head on
– Use lamps or battery-operated lanterns.
– If you live near a river, watching the water level.
– If you must evacuate your home, it only takes the essential.
– Do not seek shelter where there is a tin roof that the wind can take you,.
– If you are on the road, drive with extreme caution.
– Avoid driving in areas where there may be falling rocks or landslides.
– Stay away from utility poles and billboards and trees that may fall.

Hurricane Patricia Live Coverage:

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Johanna Lee

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