The moment I decided to jump off a bridge

This is a little story about the moment I decided to jump off a bridge, better called as “Bridge Puenting”.

Once a morning on a trip in Baños, Ecuador. I was with my travel group, ready to take the best pictures when they jump off a bridge. I knew that day and was completely sure that I wouldn’t do it. I thought in my mind that the rope was going to fall. I was afraid.
This was in Baños. One of the most touristic cities in all Ecuador and recognized for the amount of activities and tours it offers.

Days before I dared to walk throught the Amazonas, went to the waterfalls, saw a 2 meter Boa close from me, went to a swing of a tree and even throw myself in a big row like Tarzan! But nothing of that could break my fear of doing bridge jumping…

But didn’t last much..
We arrived to Pailon del Diablo on a Sunday Morning, October 11, with a climate of 15 celcius degrees, I was wearing formal pants with a blouse and sandals not appropiate for this activity, I knew I wasn’t gonna jump… not at all!… My job that day was supposed to take photographs and videos of my friends.. My fear that moment now was that something happend to them.
Then the first of my partners jumped, everything changed on my mind: When he did it, seemed he could fly; he screamed and everyone felt the emotion of the 70 meters free fall. At that moment I remembered that traveling involves new experiences and I could not refuse the opportunity to live them.Baños-2Still frightened, I asked to hold tight my harness. My legs were shaking when I stand on the edge of the bridge and the only thing I thought was that this jump would be the closest thing to feel the sensation of flying. Finally I threw myself on that bridge with my head down like a swimmer.

Here is a video of me this day doing bridge jumping, hope you like it.

After doing it there is only one thing I can say, this is a sense of freedom, happiness and excitement at the same time. One of the best things about traveling is to live new experiences and refusing to them is to lose an important part of the trip.

This is why I am happy to have done many things during that trip, meeting exotic animals and see beautiful landscapes. But I’m grateful that I overcame my fears and i felt the adrenaline wush of the free fall of PUENTING!

Nothing can be compared to that and I can say i fully enjoyed my trip without any restrictions.


Girls Team!

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Johanna Lee

Hey! I'm the Chief Content Editor of Discoverymundo.
I love traveling, adventure and studying about different destinations around the world. If you want to be kept up to date follow my social media.
Feel free to give me a hi and ask any question!

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