Take the stress out of planning your family vacation in the Mexican Caribbean with this convenient Riviera Maya packing guide & helpful travel advice.
What should I bring to the Mexican Caribbean? Where is Riviera Maya located exactly? Should I take cash? These are just a few questions you might have after booking your dream vacation in Playa del Carmen. It’s easy to fantasize about paradise, but as your travel dates move closer, feeling stressed about the unknowns is not at all uncommon. That’s why we’ve come up with a helpful guide to prepare you for your trip.
You Are Here
Formally known as the “Cancun-Tulum Corridor,” Riviera Maya is located on the east coast of the Yucatán Peninsula, in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. With white-sand Caribbean beaches and gorgeous weather all year, travelers need not pack much for their stay in paradise.
The EssentialsFirst and foremost, don’t forget your medicine. You’ll want to bring a few extra doses as well, in case you experience travel delays anywhere along the way. Second, everyone wonders about money: how much to bring and in what currency. The answer is easy. Bring a fistful of $1 US bills for tipping at arrival, then use ATMs to collect pesos at a real-time exchange rate. Don’t forget to tell your bank your travel plans, and ask if they have any partners in Mexico to avoid ATM fees. Other essentials include a photocopy of your passport (both emailed and a hard copy), as well as your glasses and prescription (just in case).
A Few More Things
Here are a handful of items you also might want not want to leave home without, along with a few you may not have thought of yet:
- 2-3 bathing suits
- Casual clothes (shorts, t-shirts, sandals)
- At least one “dressy” outfit for going out
- Light jacket, sweater, or coat
- Walking shoes / hiking boots
- Baby Powder (gets the sand off your feet)
- Sunscreen / Bug Spray
- Bottle opener / Corkscrew
- Zip-Loc Bags
- First Aid Kit
- Nice camera
- Sunglasses
- Hat